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Brooke Travis, deep-sea biologist and PhD candidate at Harvard

Meet Brooke Travis, the Deep Sea Biologist Exploring the Ocean's Secrets

Brooke Travis is a PhD candidate in marine biology at Harvard, and her work is taking her to new depths - literally. She's studying the unique relationships between deep-sea organisms and...

Bridging Fashion and Biotechnology

Luis Quijano is on an extraordinary journey, blending the worlds of fashion and biotechnology into a cohesive and innovative narrative. As a PhD candidate, Luis is pioneering research that aims to revolutionize how we perceive....

The Journey of Ludmila Kučíková in Computational Neuroscience.

Every day for Ludmila Kučíková is a new adventure in the world of computational neuroscience. "Every day is different," she says, ....

Vittoria's Unexpected Journey into Math

Meet Vittoria, a Tufts PhD student whose path to the world of mathematics is as colorful as a stage performance. What happens when the lights of the theatre dim and the curtain falls? For Vittoria, it was a leap from acting to..